Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Move or back for good?

In a month to come we will be moving to our new complex near the Nile River. How do I feel? Excited, tired, lazy, not excited. Entah la I don't feel that great about moving to the new complex. Thinking of loads of stuff need to be pack, unpack again and by the time we settle down maybe it is about time for us to go back for good to Malaysia it made me feel tired.

I once mentioned to hubby that maybe it is better for me just go back to Malaysia and wait for him there. But he disagrees on it. To him the family should be with him during the bad and good times. So apa nak dikata. Kemas je la barang and pindah.

So yesterday we went for the balloting to choose our apartment. Alhamdulillah we got a place at 2nd level. Not so high not so low. We are scheduled to move on this 22nd August. Since I will not be around that time so hubby la kena berkerja keras. But I will make sure to pack all the stuff before leaving for Malaysia.

A-2-7 will be our house number

Our new block in the complex

My new kitchen

The new living area yang kecil

The toilet yang lawa

Later after balloting and tour to the new complex, we headed to Rotana Hotel to fetch and old friend who just arrived from Malaysia for business trip. He is hubby's good friend when they were both in PDB and the wife was my schoolmate. We brought Ramzul to our favorite restaurant, Solitaire. We ate and chat and ate and chat again until we send him back to the hotel at 9.30 p.m. Planning to invite him with some other friends this Thursday before I start to pack all my utensil into the box.

Ramzul & hubby


Nadia said...

eh.. I like kitchen design (color) and living room's carpet.. sgt cun!!..

Syikeen Pfordten said...

layout umah baru mmg cun macam kat msia tapi yang tak best umah ni kecik sikit compare to the house we are staying now.

The furniture semua imported from Malaysia. Diaorg nak bagi kita rasa suasana Malaysia la kononnya

gjie said...

cantik la umah baru tuh..beb, bila balik mesia for good?

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Gjie, Cantik mmg cantik. Macam terasa la duk Malaysia tapi kecik sikit umah ni compare the house that we are staying now.

Balik for good ni tak tau la bila. Kalau ikut2 January dah habis tapi still no news about it. So tunggu je la