Monday, February 25, 2008

Ikan mentah...

In the last cooking class we learned to ‘cook’ Umai Sarawak. However, it is actually raw fish mixed with ginger, onion, chillies and importantly, lime juice (limau nipis) – the acid in the juice actually cooks the fish!

It was really weird at first thinking whether it would be nice to eat and if I can swallow it! But it turned out to be delicious and I finished mine within minutes. It’s really nice to enjoy it by itself, with rice or together with ambuyat (a sticky glue made from tepung sagu).

I attempted to make the umai myself – it didn’t taste exactly the same as I only had limau purut. Yelah, living in Sudan – we don’t have all the ingredients right, so we have to make do.

For those interested in trying it, here is the recipe.....


1 ekor ikan tenggiri (isi di hiris)

1 sudu makan kacang tumbuk

1 sudu makan cuka

10 biji limau kasturi (perah)

1 inci halia muda (hiris halus)

1 btg sawi asin (hiris halus)

10 biji cili merah (hiris halus)

2 biji bawang besar (hiris halus)

garam secukup rasa


1. Isi ikan yang telah dihiris halus, di masukkan garam, cuka dan air limau. Biarkan selama 10 minit.

2. Kemudian masukan semua bahan hiris dan kacau sampai rata.

3. Akhir sekali masukan kacang tumbuk.

4. Simpan didalam peti sejuk sebelum dihidang.

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