Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Birthday Wishes

This entry I dedicated to 3 wonderful person in my family who will be celebrating their birthday every other day. Wishes them a happy time without us around.....

Farah - 19th February (29th Anniversary)

I wish I weren't
So far away
Then I could help
Celebrate your birthday

Even though
We're far apart

You're always close
In my heart

Mummy - 20th February (67th Anniversary)

I always knew I was loved
By all your hugs and kisses
Even now that I have grown up

And became a Mrs.

When I acted up
Your punishment was fair
You've given me my self esteem
By all your loving care

Thank you mom for everything
I truly do love you

I'm hoping that my children
Feel the same in everything I do

Baba - 22nd February (62nd Anniversary)

This loving message I send to you
Is filled with gratitude
For all the loving things
For me that you do

The special things that you say
In your quiet way
Always manage somehow
To brighten up my day

I send to you warm wishes
That your happiness will be
As wonderful as the happiness
You have always given me


Ezalman said...

..auuuw how touching! I do regret that you were not able to meet them when abang went back. InsyaAllah, it won't be long before we all will!

farah kareena said...

thnks lurve for the wishes...adeh bosannya terlentang atas katil.....hehehehe

Jingga Studies said...

eh farah happy belated bday and be strong..telentang atas katil pun ok jugak..+ get some good rests....