Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tiramisu & Chocolate Cake

After the success of the first class, yesterday we had the 2nd cooking class at Roza's house. Yesterday's recipes was Tiramisu and Chocolate cake. The class started a bit late from orignially planned. It was supposed to start at 9.00 a.m but had to start 30 minutes later as to wait for others. But in the end we managed to finished on time.

We started the lesson by baking the chocolate cake. Later we learnt to make tiramisu. It was great to learn new things from others. Bak kata pepatah "Jauh perjalanan luas pengalaman". And am proud of myself from a person yang memang tak tahu masak when we first came to Sudan, to having confidence to cook and invite people to my house. So, not bad living abroad after all!

Roza's pouring the cake's batter into the bowl

The unbaked cake

Me showing the skill of dipping the lady finger biscuits

The final touch by Sifu...


Here is the recipe for tiramisu......


1 pack biskut lady finger
1 mangkuk air nescafe 'o tanpa gula
1 sudu makan vanilla (kalau tiada rum)
250 gm cream cheese mascarpone/philadelphia
3 pack whipping cream powder + susu segar
2 kuning telur
3 sudu makan gula pasir
Serbuk koko secukupnya


1- Buat coffee ditambah air secukupnya, masuk dalam peti ais, bila dah sejuk masukkan vanilla
2- Cream cheese di pukul bersama kuning telur dan gula sampai kembang
3- Whipping cream di pukul bersama susu
4- Campurkan adunan no.2 kedalam no.3 dan gaul hingga rata
5- Biskut satu persatu dicelup ke dalam nescafe yg sudah dicampur dgn vanilla, disusun dalam bekas sajian.
6- Setelah rata, adunan cream diratakan di atasnya, kemudian susun lagi biskut berselang seli dgn whipping cream hingga penuh bekas.
7- Akhir sekali taburkan serbuk cocoa d atas permukaan cream yang teratas dan masukkan ke dalam peti ais selama 5jam.

Selamat Mencuba!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

syikeen...thanks soooo much for the recipe and info for those super duper delicious dessert and kueh...i ni dah tgk kak roza buat 2-3 kali dah...tapi main tgk je...hahaha...so with ur info..insya Allah i can try..hehehe...thank you for sharing.