Sunday, March 2, 2008

Family day

We had Petronas Family yesterday at Green Village Hotel in Burri. It was great to spend and get together with other Petronas' families and staff. The event started at 8.00 am until 1.00 p.m but we went back earlier since the kids are already tired. Well actually maknye.....

Lot of activities had been organized from kids at the age of 4 up to adults. Hubby asked me to register Ehsan for the fashion show. He planned to put Ehsan on Spiderman costume. But I disagree with him as I feel Ehsan is still small and will be shy later on the stage. Maybe next year perhaps if they organize it again. Thinking back rasa regret pulak. Hmmmmmm.........

There were several games had been organized by the committee such as:

1- Fashion show for kids age 4 - 8
2- Hot dog eating contest for boys age 9 - 12
3- Carrying sweets with mouth for girls age 9 - 12
4- 'Kelim' karipap for teenager girls
5- Limbo rock for teenager boys
6- 'Teka rasa' for men n women
7- Games for families
8- Miming contest
9- Inter block show

Meanwhile Ehsan had his own way of enjoying the day. He enjoyed playing with sand. On the other hand, I was so lucky that my lucky draw number was called - 163. Just like my birth date accept for the '1'. Hehehehehe......It was a free meal voucher at one of Sudanese Restaurant in Khartoum - AMWAJ worth SDG 60 (USD 30).

It was so fun even though tiring that all of us 'knock out' that evening.

The lucky girl....

Hot dogs eating contest

Limbo rock

Teka rasa

Family game

Ehsan and the koncos.....

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