Friday, March 7, 2008

Birthday Celebration

Hubby brought back a cake a day earlier for my birthday to celebrate it with the kids since he said that he wanted to spend some time alone just the 2 of us. Upon looking at the cake Ehsan was the first one to be so excited that he knows that he will get the chance to blow the candle. Before we are ready for the small celebration we put the cake on the freezer in the kitchen. Both hubby and me was busy in the room and suddenly Ehsan went missing. 5 minutes later he came to the room and asked hubby to follow him to the kitchen.

Ehsan was so excited that he no longer can wait for all of us getting ready to cut the cake. And what happened next??? The cake was all on the floor! OMG he had pulled the box and the cake fell down. I was so upset that I had no mood to celebrate it. Thank god that the cake is still in one piece and still can be safe.

But later we did celebrate it just the 4 of us. Thank you hubby for being so nice and loving.

Cake yang telah diselamatkan

My love of my life

And not forgetting the presents for the big 3-0 mama....Thank you for remembering my special day. And not forgetting to all friends and family for all the wishes.

Liz Claiborne handbag from hubby

New Sony Ericsson phone also from hubby

Another present from hubby of course

Quilt cover from far - Kak Eli & Kak Lind (my Best Friends)


Unknown said...

bestnyeee...banyak dpt presents loooh....hehhee...ehsan tarik kek??aduh nasib baik not upside down dear...anyway....update lagi

Ezalman said...

Thanks dearie - I love you too. Glad to know you enjoyed celebrating the big three-o. BTW Nazlyn, the cake _did_ end up upside down...

The prezzies and cake are the very least I can do to show my appreciation for you...hint hint lagi how many months to MY besday party huh?

Unknown said...

serious??? upside down...OMG...hehehe..but surely ckn did smiled again huh?? after receiving those pressies...hehe...

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Mula2 tu hilang mood gak tgk cake sudah jatuh.. Tapi kenang2 dia pun excited nak celebrate takpe la...

Tahun ni la paling meriah skali dapat hadiah.. Lagipun dah 2 tahun sejak duk sini tak celebrate best2 macam kat Msia