Sunday, March 30, 2008

Birthday Bash Erica

Hari yang ditunggu sudah tiba... We had Erica's birthday party yesterday! It was tiring but full of fun. The house was crowded but I think we managed to entertain them all. And without fail, everybody asked of the significance of the 'pear' theme in the invitation card and the cake...

So here it goes ..... Erica was so chubby as a baby; so much so that she resembled a pear. TThis led to my mum starting to call her Pear! The nickname stuck; when hubby & I decided to do the party for her we thought it was a good idea to make the cake, the invitation cards, and colour theme for our guests (which was yellow and orange) to resemble pears as well!

We got some nice pics of the event - Happy birthday lil Pear!!

Venue : House No. 6, Block J, Khartoum 2

Time : 4.30 pm - 6.30 pm

Date : 29th March 2008


Hubby putting up the home made birthday banner

The banner - all nice and ready.....

Me busy making the pudding....

The bolognaise sauce...

Mixed fruit pudding all set to go.....

Bumbu for meehoon Singapore...

The cake that I made - Pear shaped....


Birthday girl with Baba & Abang...

The Cake cutting ceremony ..

The crowd - the house was packed!

The food and drinks..


Erica's presents....

Last but not least, we would like to thank all our friends and their children who came to celebrate with us and sharing their nice presents and making it such a memorable and meaningful event for the 4Es!

and to Najwa... Thanks for decorating the cake!


Unknown said...

we had fun during Erica's party.
tqvm for inviting us.
siap ada kek pear yang cute..
sampai kak roza paksa mama Erica potong....wakakaka....

Jingga Studies said...

uih kek tu sungguh unik.tak penah dalam sejarah bentuk macam tu!!! well done!!!!

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Abg Azlie - Kalau untuk anak yang tak pandai pun terus jadi pandai.

Lyn - Yeah Ehsan had fun also main balloon dengan Khairyn.

gjie said...

syoknye..ko msk ke seme mende tuh...speechless ok!!..

hepi besday to erica..semuge sehat selalu & jadik anak yg mendengar kate & solehah..;-)

hugs & kisses to both of ur kids ye..